Past Projects
Completed projects conducted by CEQP include a wide range of research interests focused on diverse populations: parenting, restorative practices, preventing substance use, increasing parent-school engagement, the family, cultural, and linguistic assets of Native American and Latinx students, immigration, college readiness, incarcerated parents, online learning for students with disabilities, health, youth violence prevention, and bilingualism and multilingualism.
Click on the images to learn more about the projects

Contact Us
We would love to hear from you or answer any questions you may have
Dr. Heather McClure, Director
1-541-346-8904 | hmcclure@uoregon.edu
Dr. Fátima Elvira Terrazas-Arellanes, Associate Director
1-541-346-3798 | fatima@uoregon.edu
Betsy Ruth, Operations Coordinator
1-541-346-2585 | betsyr@uoregon.edu
Teodoro Reyes Ramirez, Business Manager
1-541-346-4116 | treyesra@uoregon.edu
Sandra Epple, Administrative Assistant
1-541-346-8898 | sepple@uoregon.edu
CEQP Mailing address:
6215 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-6215
CEQP Physical address:
1600 Millrace Dr., Suite 307, Eugene, OR